

Hey there! I'm Kiran, also known as Thelgbt_mtg. I'm all about exploring new avenues in art and music. As a proud bisexual male, I'm passionate about creating meaningful designs. When I'm not immersed in design, you can find me indulging in hobbies like MTG, music/sound design, and Scouting BSA. I've been honing my design skills since 2021 and am continuously evolving. My goal? Using my art to make a positive impact – from donating part of my proceeds to organizations fighting homelessness and low income while supporting Scouting BSA Camps.

Want to chat about commissions or check out my work? Find me on Twitter (@Sturben__eevee), Instagram (@Thelgbt_mtg), or Discord (Heart.of.Kiran#1762)

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